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Investment in the maritime transport sector

Finaval is a historic Italian shipowning company established in 1985. We can boast 30 years of experience in the transportation of crude oil and refined products, and today, thanks to know-how and expertise, we are transforming into a modern investment company operating in the shipping industry.

The investment approach is based on knowledge of the market, rigorous data analysis, and, finally, a strong focus on risk management to be able to operate safely in all market conditions.

Finaval invests in business areas with high value potential in the belief that corporate responsibilities are not limited to profit alone, but should also include promoting the development of knowledge, ethical values and social cohesion.


More than 30 years of experience

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Finaval was founded in 1985 in Rome as an entrepreneurial initiative aimed at establishing itself in the shipping industry. During the 1990s, it focused its business on the maritime transportation of petrochemicals and proceeded to gradually build up a fleet of owned and operated chemical tankers.

In the late 1990s, it formed, in agreement with the Marnavi shipowning group, the consortium company Novamar, which, with the ownership and management of more than 30 chemical tankers, stands as one of the world’s top 5 players in the industry.

In 2004 Giovanni Fagioli, took over 100 percent of Finaval and began a process of corporate restructuring and reorganization aimed at exiting the chemical sector and strengthening the oil and products sector.

During 2006, Finaval, the first in Italy, obtained from RINA S.p.A. certification of the Organization, Management and Control Model adopted pursuant to Legislative Decree. 231/2001.

Between 2006 and 2008, Finaval strengthened its partnership with Mansel Oil (Vitol) through a capital increase, reserved for Vitol itself, amounting to a 25 percent stake in the company and the expansion of its fleet with 6 Aframax vessels and 4 MR vessels.

Today Finaval can count on 4 ships in which it holds shares together with international partners and has recently purchased 60 percent of the company’s Service, a company specializing in the testing of raw, finished and petrochemical products.

The acquisition of Service, coupled with the ownership of the investee GDAS in India, becomes a crucial first step in order to realize future growth plans.


People as the greatest resource

Giovanni Fagioli

President & CEO

Giuseppe Santarcangelo

Deputy CEO

Cap. Francesco Sabia

Fleet Manager

Giovanni Fagioli

President & CEO

Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza imprenditoriale oggi è CEO di Finaval e Vice-President di Fondo H S.p.A.

Nel 1987 viene nominato consigliere di amministrazione della società Fagioli S.p.A., leader a livello internazionale nel settore dei trasporti speciali, arrivando a ricoprire dal 1993 al 2003 la carica di Amministratore Delegato.

Nel 1989 entra a far parte del consiglio di amministrazione dalla società Snatt Logistica S.p.A. e dal 2004 ne è il Presidente.
È co-fondatore nonché presidente della società OMLOG per il quale, negli ultimi anni, ha guidato lo sviluppo ed espansione in medio oriente ed in UK.

È stato Consigliere di Amministrazione di:

  • SACE (Ministero del Tesoro), istituto per i servizi assicurativi del commercio estero;
  • META S.p.A. di Modena – Energia Territorio Ambiente;
  • Banca Fin-Eco S.p.A. di Milano – Società Controllata da Fineco S.p.A. – Gruppo Capitalia.
    Gli sono state conferite le onorificenze di Cavaliere e di Commendatore della Repubblica Italiana.

Giuseppe Santarcangelo

Deputy CEO

Si è laureato in Economia Aziendale all’Università di Bologna ed è iscritto all’albo dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili dal 2006 e Revisori Contabili dal 2007.

Ha iniziato la sua carriera nel 2001 in contabilità e fiscalità presso lo Studio Venceslai di Bologna con il quale ha partecipato alla costituzione nel 2004 di Corvalue S.r.l., società di consulenza in M​&A e Finanza.

Nell’ottobre 2007 è entrato a far parte del team Finaval e dal 2013 segue tutti gli investimenti del gruppo.

Oggi, oltre ad essere Deputy CEO in Finaval ricopre anche il ruolo di Presidente del consiglio di amministrazione di Mar.In Service ed è presidente di FONDO H.

Cap. Francesco Sabia

Fleet Manager

Classe ’73, ha iniziato la propria carriera marittima come allievo ufficiale con un’importante compagnia petrolifera Americana.

Nel 1981 ha conseguito il titolo di Capitano di Lungo Corso ed è stato nominato Chief Officer per Panamax, Aframax, Suexmax e VLCC.

Promosso Master nel 1991, nel 2005 entra in Finaval come Master e lavora su tutti i tipi di navi del gruppo, petroliere e navi per prodotti puliti.

Nel 2009 ha coperto il ruolo di Training Master per la formazione del personale di terra e a bordo e dal 2012 ha assunto la posizione di DPA, CSO e Fleet Manager che ricopre tutt’ora.

Giovanni Fagioli

President & CEO

With more than 30 years of entrepreneurial experience today, he is CEO of Finaval and Vice-President of Fondo H S.p.A.

In 1987 he was appointed board member of the company Fagioli S.p.A., an international leader in the special transport sector, rising to the position of managing director from 1993 to 2003.

In 1989, he joined the board of directors from Snatt Logistics S.p.A. and has been its president since 2004.
He is co-founder as well as president of the OMLOG company for which, in recent years, he has led development and expansion in the Middle East and the UK.

He has served as a board member of:

  • SACE (Treasury), Institute for Foreign Trade Insurance Services;
  • META S.p.A. of Modena – Energy Territory Environment;
  • Banca Fin-Eco S.p.A. of Milan – Subsidiary Company of Fineco S.p.A. – Capitalia Group.
    He was awarded the honors of Cavaliere and Commendatore of the Italian Republic.

Giuseppe Santarcangelo

Deputy CEO

He holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Bologna and has been a registered Chartered Accountant since 2006 and an Auditor since 2007.

He began his career in 2001 in accounting and taxation at Studio Venceslai in Bologna, with whom he participated in the establishment in 2004 of Corvalue S.r.l., an M&A and finance consulting firm.

He joined the Finaval team in October 2007 and has been following all investments of the group since 2013.

Today, in addition to being Deputy CEO in Finaval, he also serves as chairman of the board of Mar.In Service and is president of FONDO H.

Cap. Francesco Sabia

Fleet Manager

Class of ’73, began his maritime career as a midshipman with a major American oil company.

In 1981, he was awarded the title of Long Course Captain and was appointed Chief Officer for Panamax, Aframax, Suexmax and VLCC.

Promoted to Master in 1991, he joined Finaval as Master in 2005 and worked on all types of ships in the group, tankers and clean product ships.

In 2009, he filled the position of Training Master for ground and on-board staff training, and since 2012 he has held the position of DPA, CSO and Fleet Manager, which he still holds.